How to Stay Fit in Upcoming Festive Season

By - TalkToMedic Admin

festive season

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Reading Time: 9 minutes

December is a season of festivals & traditionally it’s a time to eat, drink, enjoy, & be happy. However, festivals tend to ruin our usual diet and make us put on a little weight. Studies suggest, one out of every three people gain weight during the festival season that starts with Thanksgiving & ends with New Year celebrations.

One of the main reasons for the extra weight is due to excessive eating and drinking, but lack of physical activities & exercise are among other significant factors. During festivals, it becomes hard to follow routine fitness plan as we don’t have enough time to perform our workouts.

However, it’s possible to enjoy our holidays and stay fit at the same time. Here are some useful tips that might help you to stay fit in upcoming festive season.

Keep a Check on What you Eat & Drink


festive seasonWith so many delicious cuisines and drinks present around us, it becomes hard to restrict our temptation. Over-eating has been observed as a major issue that people witness during the Festive seasons.

Be aware of your body and if you face issues like acidity, bloatedness, or sluggishness stop eating or drinking immediately.

Drinking or boozing has become normal during festivals but we must keep it up to a moderate level. You shouldn’t skip meals to stockpile calories for drinking. Skipping on meals would mean skipping on essential nutrients that our body will require for detoxification. 

Limit Portion Size

Limit Portion size

Limiting the portion size of whatever we eat or drink could help in avoiding overeating or overdrinking. It’s advisable to eat a small and healthy meal with a balance of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, etc.

Including a big portion of salad in your diet would be a healthy choice. Moreover, salad compliments better with drinks and helps to keep our body dehydrated. You can go for either grilled or barbequed food (As they are considered as healthiest cooking options) instead of battered or deep-fried ones.

Overeating or consuming an unhealthy diet could lead to problems like upset stomach, acidity, gastric, heartburn, indigestion, etc.

Take a Walk


stay fit in upcoming festive season

During festivals, it might be hard for many of us to manage time for regular workouts. But that doesn’t mean we have to stop it altogether, you can choose to go on a walk for 30-45 mins after lunch or dinner. 

This process will help you in food digestion, losing a few extra calories, and keeps your heart healthy. Moving out will help us to get some fresh air that additionally has a list of benefits on our health. 

Drink Adequate Amount of Water

adequate water

Water is considered to be a miracle drink when it comes to maintaining health & fitness. Drinking the right amount of water can enhance our metabolism process, keep our body hydrated, and assist in reducing a few extra pounds.

Having a hydrated body would help in preventing us from a possible hangover the next day. To keep your body hydrated it’s essential to drink as much water as possible prior to having drinks.

It’s recommended to consume at least 8 glasses of water every day, however, you can double the amount if you are planning to drink.

Don’t Skip Your Strength Workoutsstay fit in upcoming festive season


In order to maintain muscle mass you have worked so hard to achieve, it’s essential to perform a regular strength workout.

You might like the idea of using lightweights & do some cardio, but we must understand the fact that lifting weights can burn as many calories as performing cardio.

For all the sacrifices in meals during festivals, you will get rewarded with some extra muscle which is better than gaining some extra fat.

Eat Before Heading out


stay fit in upcoming festive seasonTo eat before heading out of home for visits, dinner, and outings is considered a healthy practice to include in our daily life. By doing so, you are no more tempted to eat more and indulge in overeating as you have eaten already.

Moreover, it’s not advisable to skip meals in order to eat later, as you will end up eating more later.

Final Words

 Festivals are a time for socializing and get-togethers. So instead of eating unhealthy food and unnecessary drinking, it’s better to focus on spending time with friends, family, and relatives.

Following healthy eating and optimal drinking can help you ignore the unnecessary calories intakes and keep you fit in the upcoming festive season.