Bone Health- Osteoporosis Education & Awareness

By - Dt. Rashi Goel

Bone health

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Reading Time: 9 minutes

Bone is living tissue, as soon as old bone is broken down a new one is renewed. More bone is made than broken during our childhood. 90% of bone growth gets complete between 15-17 years of age and there is only a small increase in our bone strength after this, until the age of 30, resulting in a gradual decrease in bone strength as we age.

You might be having a bone loss for several years without any symptoms until a bone breaks. Severe pain and disability can be caused by broken bones. Bones may weaken to such a degree that minor stress can break a bone spontaneously

Why Bone Health Is Important?


bone healthBones play various major roles in our bodies. It supports our body and allows us to move. They protect our organs like the brain and heart from injury. Moreover, our bones store minerals like Calcium and Phosphorous, which keep the bones strong, and release into the body when we need them for other uses.

While it’s important to build strong and healthy bones during childhood and adolescence, we can take steps during adulthood to protect bone health, too.

What Is Osteoporosis?

Bone healthThere are many kinds of bone diseases, most common among them is osteoporosis. It makes our bones weak and more likely to break. Bones in the wrist, spine, and hip are most likely to break if a person has Osteoporosis. Our bones are alive. Every day, our body breaks down old bones and puts new bone in its place.

As we get older, our bones break down more than they put back. We tend to lose bone as we age and it’s pretty normal. But, if we don’t take it into consideration and take proper measures, we can lose too much bone and get osteoporosis.

Despite having weak bones many people are not aware of it. That’s because bone loss often takes time and even doesn’t hurt. Most people consider a broken bone as the first sign of osteoporosis.

Am I At Risk?

Because women are at higher risk of getting osteoporosis than men, men think they are not vulnerable to this disease. Moreover, many Hispanic and African women are not concerned about their bones either as for some Osteoporosis is considered to be a problem only for white women.

However, it’s not true and both older men and women from all backgrounds are at risk.

It’s been said that people from certain ethnic backgrounds are at more risk for bone loss due to other health problems. In case you have any of the under mentioned problems, you must talk to your doctor regarding your bone health:

  • Alcoholism
  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Asthma/allergies
  • Cancer
  • Cushing’s disease
  • Diabetes
  • Hyperparathyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism

While it’s not advisable to go out during this COVID pandemic, you can still take advantage of telemedicine platforms like TalkToMedic to book an online Video consultation with specialists.

How Do I Know If I Have Osteoporosis?

Since osteoporosis has no symptoms until your bone breaks, it is important to consult your doctor about your bone health. You might have to go through a bone density test if your doctor finds you are at risk of osteoporosis.

A bone density test determines the density of your bones and whether you have osteoporosis. It also assists with chances of breaking a bone. Bone density tests are quick, safe, and painless.

Risk Factors

Bone health

Ø  Gender- Both males and females get affected.

Ø  Age- In general, bone loss happens naturally as we age, but at times due to poor dietary factors, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, etc. bones can become weak and brittle even at an early age.

Ø  Family history- Parents or siblings who have osteoporosis(weak bones) puts you at a greater risk.

Ø  Smoking & Alcohol- Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking weakens the bones.

Ø  Physical activity- Lack of physical activity makes the bones weak and brittle.

Ø  Eating disorders and other conditions- an unhealthy diet, lack of nutrients is a big factor for poor bone health.

Ø Ethnicity – Your Ethnicity also affects your bone health, Asian and white women are more likely to get osteoporosis in comparison to those of Hispanic and African women.

Our Fitness Regimen

Bone health

Building healthy bones is extremely important. Fortunately, good knowledge about the right nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits can provide the same. We would guide you and plan a diet according to your lifestyle, body type, the severity of the bone damage, etc.

Quality tips, customized diet plan along with regular follow-ups would help you reach the goals more efficiently and if required, changes will be suggested accordingly.

How Things Will Work?

If you are concerned about the bone health or risk of any bone disease, we might recommend a bone density test. This test will determine the density as well as the rate of bone loss done already. If some severe deformity has occurred, we will work together as a team to prevent it from further damage.