A kidney stone is one of the common problems that worry people across the globe. According to researchers, one out of every 5 men is prone to kidney stones, whereas the ratio is 1:10 for women.
The pain that occurs due to kidney stones is considered to be worse than burns and fractures.
There are mainly two types of kidney stores: one is made up of calcium and considered as hard stone, whereas, other is formed by uric acid and known as the lighter stone.
Alternative Medicine
A kidney stone can be treated effectively with the help of alternative medicines like Ayurveda and Homeopathy. Prescribing ayurvedic medicine depends upon the size and location of kidney stones.
However, people who prefer Allopathy for kidney stones can face repetitive infections and need to take antibiotics on a regular basis. Luckily, ayurvedic medicine has an effective solution to prevent the infection.
On the other hand, homeopathic medicine can also help in removing kidney stones, whether the size of the kidney can be small or big, homeopathic treatment can help in dissolving or flushing out the stone.
Composition of Kidney Stone
A kidney stone is formed when a collection of crystals join together and create a hard lump. The size of a kidney stone can vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Though most kidney stones will vanish out with urine. However, professional assistance will be required in some complicated cases.
A Kidney Stone comprises various crystals made up of:
- Phosphate
- Uric Acid
- Magnesium
- Ammonium Phosphate
- Apatite & Struvite
Types of kidney stones
In general, there are five types of stones found in kidneys. The frequency & location of the stone depends upon various factors like the geological location and lifestyle of the individual.
Calcium stones
Calcium Stones further categorized into calcium oxalate, calcium urate, and calcium phosphate. These calcium stones are associated with hypercalciuria, which is caused by the disease hyperparathyroidism.
Struvite stones
Struvite comprises magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate stones that usually fill the staghorn calculi (partially or completely).
Chronic urinary tract infection is the main cause of this infection which is associated with Proteus, Pseudomonas, and Klebsiella.
Uric acid stones
Patients with Gout who usually intake purine drugs or high cell turnover have a maximum chance to form uric acid stones.
These stones are visible and usually radio-lucent in nature.
Drug-induced stones
Stones that occur with the participation of various other drugs are called renal stones. Though these stones are rare and form due to drugs like Atazanavir, Guaifenesin, Silicate, Sulfa, etc.
Cystine stones
Cystine stones occur due to a hereditary metabolic called Cystinuria, where absorption of Cystine takes place. Due to the presence of high amount of Sulfate, these stones are very hard to detect in X-rays.
Homeopathic Treatment for kidney stones
Homeopathy is one of the alternative medicine for kidney stones. It might take some time to cure your kidney problems but it’s considered an effective treatment for kidney problems.
Berberis Vulgaris
It’s among the most prominent medicine for kidney stones, especially if the stone is located on the left side of the kidney or ureter. This medicine can be used for:
- Sensation in urine
- Mucus & sediments in urine
- Bubbling sensation in kidney
Lycopodium Clavatum
It’s an effective medicine if the stone is present on the right side of the kidney. This medicine can be used for:
- Pain during urination
- Stone in the right ureter
- Stone in the right kidney
Cantharis Vesicatoria
If you experience an intense burning sensation during or after urination then this medicine could be the best possible solution available to get some relief.
Sarsaparilla Officina
This medicine is a perfect solution for people who experience a burning sensation along with sediments in the urine. It’s also considered a perfect solution if you have a stone in the right kidney.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Stones
Ayurvedic is yet another alternative medicine for kidney stones, ayurvedic treatment usually takes time to show any effect but as it’s a holistic approach.
Lemon Juice With Olive Oil
It might sound a little weird but consuming olive oil with lemon juice is considered an effective solution for kidney stones. Ayurveda believes that lemon juice helps in breaking the stone while olive oil acts as a lubricant for the easy passage of the stone.
Water Infused With Basil Juice
Drinking water infused with basil not only helps to flush the stone out but also protects our liver from various other infections. A human must drink 7-8 glasses of water infused with basil in order to stay hydrated and remove harmful toxins from our bodies.
Coconut Water
Coconut water especially that in the raw green coconut is full of rich vitamins and minerals and is considered the best treatment for breaking kidney stones and eventually flushing them out.
Horse Gram
Rich in Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, and protein, horse gram is considered a miracle food and comes under the category of most valued food in Ayurveda. Consuming horse gram not only helps in the removal of kidney stones but also gallbladder stones.
Alternative medicine for kidney stones has proved to be highly efficient. However, you must consult with a specialist before choosing a particular branch of alternative medicines.